"I think it is high time for Europe to unite once more, but this time this should be based on better cooperation between national authorities and intelligence services. I strongly appeal for the Directive on the exchange of data on passengers on flights to be passed because it will enable the smooth exchange of passengers landing or taking off from any where in the EU," said MEP Šuica.
This Directive would allow for the exchange of information such as identity, address, date of travel, destination among EU countries, and the information would be submitted by the airlines. It is worth pointing out that the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) rejected this Directive because it is considered this data exchange in violation of human rights.
"After these events, I still think that is a fundamental human right that you can feel safe in any EU country, and to me, this is more important than the protection of private data. We are witnesses to the horrible crimes that are a result of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, in which journalists, cartoonists, police officers and hostages were wounded and killed. This represents a new threat to security in Europe, but also an attack on freedom of thought and speech. We are obliged to ensure a high level of safety to the citizens of the EU within an area of freedom, security and justice, and this requires appropriate reforms," said Šuica.
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