Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović is Croatia's first female president. It is a big and historic day for Croatia, and the whole of Croatia and the Croatian diaspora proudly stood with Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović. A magnificent atmosphere ruled the winning presidential headquarters where there was an atmosphere of unity, Croatian flags were flown and patriotic songs were sung. After the State Election Commission (DIP) announced the result of the election, there was nothing left for former President Ivo Josipović to do but to admit defeat.
HDZ President Tomislav Karamarko first addressed those present with the words "Croatia has a female president" and thanked everyone who voted for a better Croatia and added: "The biggest Croatian party that created this nation, led by the greatest Croat of all time, Dr. Franjo Tudjman, from today has a female president, and she is truly a courageous woman. Kolinda, thank you for everything!"
President Karamarko did not forget to greet the veterans protesting in 66 Savska Street and our compatriots in Bosnia and Herzegovina and throughout the diaspora, ending with the following words: "We have a new female president, long live our eternal, our only and beloved homeland Croatia!"
Invited to the stage, and interrupted by applause and shouts of "victory, victory!", the first Croatian female president Grabar-Kitarović addressed and thanked everyone who helped her on the way to victory and pointed out that work tomorrow does not start tomorrow, but right now tonight.
"We have achieved a victory for our patriotic coalition, but also for our dear homeland, Croatia will be among the richest in Europe and the world. I will not allow anyone to say that Croatia will not be prosperous! Croatia knows how, can and will. You are my strength and together we'll lead Croatia to prosperity," said the first Croatian female president Grabar-Kitarović.