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Friday, 04 October 2019

Hearing of Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography: Opening statement by Dubravka ŠUICA

On 3rd October, Dubravka ŠUICA, from Croatia, Vice-President-designate for Democracy and Demography, is heard by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) in association with the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) of the European Parliament in Brussels to test her general competences, European commitment and specific expertise related to her portfolio. On this occasion, Dubravka ŠUICA has the opportunity to make an opening statement.

Shotlist content:

00:00:04 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: Thank your chair, Dear chairs, honourable members. Dear Colleagues I'm delighted to be here both as a colleague and as vice president designate for democracy and demography. The European Parliament feels like home for me. Six years ago I was elected as member of the European Parliament in the first Croatian delegation following our accession in 2013 and was honoured to be re-elected in both 2014 and 2019. So this is my third consecutive term.
00:00:38 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: But this time I am on this side of the house so it is a privilege to be here today. And it is even more of an honour to seek your confidence for a portfolio which statues so many of the issues that we have discussed and work. On together in last six years. In that time many of the debates we have had in this house focussed on the following questions How to give people a greater say in their future and ensure they can shape their union.
00:01:11 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: Then how to build trust and confidence with those who feel disconnected and disaffected and how to support those who are most affected by many different changes and transitions. Our union is undergoing so these three questions are key for our citizens. As someone who has worked as a municipal representative as a local councillor as a mayor or in my hometown Dubrovnik and as a member of creation and European Parliament I have seen and heard some of the frustrations that lie behind these questions.
00:01:46 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: Ultimately it comes down to a feeling of a loss of control. A change that people feel they have no way of stopping shaping or affecting a sense that their communities careers and lifestyles are all being transformed at a rate quicker than they can follow. This leads to a loss of trust in people and institutions who are there to serve and support them. The truth is that we need know that the truth is that we need to better understand and address the underlying reasons behind this.
00:02:24 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: And for me this is as much about addressing democrat democratic deficit as it is about addressing a demographic deficit over the next few years. We will talk a lot about the climate and digital transitions but they also believe that we need to talk more and more about once Europe's deepest lying transformations which is demographic change. This is an issue which is changing the face of many parts of Europe and affecting millions of Europeans bringing along the challenges but also many opportunities.
00:03:02 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: Demographic change is defining the landscape of our politics our democracy and our communities. Those who feel left behind by progress and transition are the ones most likely to become dissatisfied. We need to give Europeans a greater voice a chance to regain the ability to shape the community the society the union they live in. This is why I'm such a strong supporter of the idea of the conference on the future of Europe.
00:03:34 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: This idea was put forward by the president elect and it is why I am delighted to be entrusted with leading the commission's work on it. This conference should bring together citizens of all ages from across our union with a significant role for young people as well as civil society and European institutions as equal partners. We need a wide debate clear objectives and tangible follow up on what is agreed. This is an idea that has long been discussed in this course especially in this committee and I believe there is now the will and the momentum for us all to work together to make this a success.
00:04:17 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: Now I think shows this better than the record high number of votes in the last European elections in which more than half of European citizens had their say. This shows there is a clear appetite from Europeans for wanting to shape the future of the Union. European democracy is far more than voting only one in five years. The confidence is about making the conference is about making European democracy a living concept beyond the European elections.
00:04:50 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: It is about as all listening to one another and agreeing on what we should focus on and how ambitious we should be. Dear colleagues there is no time to waste. The president elect has set an ambitious timetable by announcing that the conference will start in 2020 and it will run for two years. This is why if confirmed by you I will work with this house with the council and all other involved all others involved to agree on the concept structure format timing and scope of the conference.
00:05:27 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: I will put forward my ideas very early in my mandate and I want to stress the importance of working together with you members from across the scouts representing people from across this union to make this success. We want to make this conference a success. We will no doubt dive into details in the next hours. But let me share with you three principles that must underpin our approach.
00:05:54 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: First idea or first principle we need to reach out to all Europeans. You've confirmed my aim would be to make sure that Europeans have a real say on how their union is run and what it delivers son. We need to engage with Europeans across our union to listen to their hopes expectations and their concerns which are related to their realities.
00:06:20 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: Those linked to climate economy digital development global transformation demographic changes President elect has tasked me with finding ways to make participation in person or online and make it as easy and accessible as possible. I'll make this as absolute priority. This is first idea My second idea is that we must work together. The conference on the future of Europe cannot be run by one person by one party or by one institution or even by part of Europe.
00:06:55 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: It must be a team effort. Nowhere is this truer than in the commission itself. I will work closely with the vice president for institutional relations and foresight and view the vice president for value centres piracy as well as with all other colleagues to make this a success. This will be particularly important in the first phase where common ground will be needed when it comes to finding a way for the speaks in candidate system and discussing the idea of transnational lists.
00:07:28 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: This was this will be in the first part of our mandate within the commission. This work will be led by Vice President Jourova but we will of course work hand-in-hand on all matters related to the conference. Strengthening Europe's democracy cannot be done without the strong and active participation of the Europeans on directed and the way we strengthen democracy cannot be done without without the most important body which is which is the European Parliament and the body which it has active participation of our citizens.
00:08:07 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: I am fully committed to work with you and the council in all stages of the conference and my third day the eyes. This Conference must lead to results listening to citizens is essential but is not an end in itself. Real understanding means taking real action. We need to make sure that whatever is agreed is enacted. This is always the problem in Europe. So we what we agreed we have to enact. We have to implement this was an explicit commitment of the president elect in her political guidelines and I will work with all my colleagues within the commission as well as with this house and with all committees.
00:08:50 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: There are five committees here but with all committees who are interested and all other institutions to make sure we follow up on what is agreed. They members a meaningful and successful conference on the future of Europe is an important tool in building trust and participation in our democracy. But as I said earlier the key to strengthening our democracy also lies in showing and understanding what is the reason behind it.
00:09:19 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: I believe one of the least tackled issues is demographic change. I have seen this firsthand in the members in the member states state. I know best with the prolonged period of declining population having a real impact across the country. For some parts of Europe it is true that this is an issue that feels somehow this dense or abstract. But for others including in large parts of Central and Eastern Eastern Europe but also in rural areas across all union.
00:09:51 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: This is a very real and tangible concern. It is real and tangible for older people who rely on local services. Seeing post offices libraries hospitals close or seeing local buses become less frequent. This is the situation in rural areas. It is a real and tangible concern for parents who see their children have to move away to find opportunities to work or study. And it is a real and tangible concern for those bringing up children in poverty or trying to balance work and life responsibilities.
00:10:29 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: Of course it is overwhelming good news that we are living longer and healthier lives. But this also comes with its own set of challenges be it related to the economy our pensions healthcare the social fabric of our societies. We need to understand this. We need to understand this much better than we do. This is why I will undertake an extensive mapping exercise to look at where the problems lie and how best to support those regions most in need.
00:11:03 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: How to help them to implement reforms and attract and how to attract investments. If confirmed by the European Parliament by you I will look at every aspect of demographic change and how it impacts the difference groups affected. Allow me to give you a few concrete examples of what I believe you must work on together. First I want to look at the issue of ageing. One of our biggest society challenges this affects our working lives our social protection systems our health system and our pensions.
00:11:41 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: It also brings many new opportunities. We need to ensure that we are passing knowledge down through generations and helping people become more active and more involved in society. I will put forward a Green Paper on Aging to assess what can and needs to be done. Notably to force their active aging. And look at whether our such social protection systems are fit for an older population. This will be done in close cooperation with this house and of course with member states who have the competencies in most of these areas.
00:12:20 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: Second I want to focus on rural areas which are often the most deeply affected by declining population and the lack of opportunities leading to a brain drain a severe shortage of frontline services and higher risk of poverty. I will also coordinate the work on the long term vision for rural areas. In close consultation with local and regional authorities we need to enable them to make the most of their potential and support them in facing up to their own unique set of issues. I will focus on the issue of brain drain supporting the regions most affected notably through the Youth Guarantee.
00:12:59 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: Thirdly and as a part of the implementation of the European pillar of social rights I will coordinate the work on better reconciling work and family life. And last but certainly by no means least and that this is how I reply to your question on the role of the church. Later on I can elaborate more you asked me about children. I will lead the work on investing in our children. This has been a priority for me throughout my career in politics.
00:13:31 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: There is no more important investment than we can make. That in our children we call it investment. I will coordinate the work on a new child guarantee and present a comprehensive strategy for the rights of the child. Honourable members we will have time to discuss all of this in great detail and I welcome all of your questions.
00:13:54 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: Allow me to finish on a personal note. As someone who witnessed a country gain its independence its Democratic strength and the transition towards our union it is with great responsibility and humility that I accept the task I have been given.
00:14:14 SOUNDBITE (English), Dubravka ŠUICA, Vice-President-designate, Democracy and Demography,: The very fact that we can have a conference on the future of Europe or that we can find European solutions to changes that affect our soul is because of the sacrifice of those before us who are building our union. If confirmed I will be determined and honoured to be able. To honour that legacy video all over the next five years. Thank you very much. And I'm looking forward to your questions.
00:14:44 End

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