Parliamentary questions
Question for written answer to the Commission
Subject: Implementation of Regulation (EU) No 531/2012 in Croatia
As the new regulation on roaming is one of the most significant achievements on the way towards a unified European telecommunications market, and given that a large number of users of the Croatian provider VIPnet still pay significantly higher charges than standard roaming charges, does the Commission consider that the Croatian national regulator, HAKOM, proceeded correctly when it issued a decision on 29 July 2013 to the effect that actions taken by VIPnet were in compliance with Regulation (EU) No 531/2012 of the European Parliament and Council on roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Union?
Does the Commission consider HAKOM to have breached Directive 2002/21/EC when it disable d the consumer association, which reported the VIPnet irregularity and brought an appeal against the HAKOM decision on roaming fees?
If VIPnet and HAKOM are not acting in accordance with EU law, what measures does the Commission intend to take in order to ensure that telecommunications customers in the Republic of Croatia enjoy standard roaming prices pursuant to the new regulation on roaming?
If VIPnet and the HAKOM decision comply with EU regulations, does the Commission consider that the regulation on roaming adequately protects the rights of its users?